Finally... I could finally find a game that I could make it by myself with the knowledge I have gathered over the years of trying and trying and... abandoning projects after all the accumulated frustration of things not working out as I expected. This try made me realize that I am... very stubborn... (shame on me for realizing it this late I know ಥ_ಥ).
So, the game I tried to make this time is a Memory Matching game. Those where you have to flip 2 cards and and if they are the same you can collect them and if not you flip them back and try flipping other cards to find their respective pairs.
The idea of making this game came right after playing this same game with UNO cards with my little siblings, and I was like:
And well... it took me around 10h to make a functional prototype. I focused on make it simple and not to try and make over-complicated functions. But I did over-complicated myself at one point trying to make the cards "spawn" rather than have them already placed in the game level. After ditching the "spawn" method is where I noticed my stubborness ( ᴗ˳ ᴗ )
Aaanyway, here is the thing in case anyone is curious:
From now on I'll be more aware of trying to identify the most simple way to implement something and if things get too complicated for too long I'll try to find another way of doing it... if it is even possible xD